Constitution of Matlock Canoe Club

1              Name

 The club shall be known as Matlock Canoe Club.

2              Aims and Objectives

  • The aims and objectives of the Club are to:
  • Ensure a duty of care to all members of the club,
  • Encourage members to respect the environment whilst paddling.
  • Endeavour/seek to promote and encourage all paddlesport disciplines
  • Promote and provide facilities for the sport and recreation of
  • Provide coaching and competitive or recreational opportunities
    • In furtherance of the above objectives, Matlock Canoe Club is committed to treating everyone equally regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion, disability, or beliefs.

3              Affiliation

  • Matlock Canoe Club shall be affiliated to PaddleUK and shall incorporate its rules and regulations.
  • In the event that there shall be any conflict between any rule or by‐law of the Club and of the rules and regulations set out by PaddleUK the rules of PaddleUK shall prevail.

4              Membership

4.1        Limit

Total membership of the Club shall not be limited, however if the Executive Committee considers that there is good reason to impose a limit from time to time, then the Executive Committee shall put forward such a proposal to a General Meeting of the Members.

4.2         Eligibility

Any person who undertakes to behave in the best interest of the Club’s objectives shall be eligible for membership regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religious or other beliefs.

4.3         Classes of Membership

The membership categories are as follows:

  1. Life membership – to be given at the discretion of the Executive Committee
  2. Honorary membership – to be given at the discretion of the Executive Committee
  3. Adult members – over the age of 18
  4. Junior members under the age of 18. All members under 18 years of age completing a membership form MUST have their parent/guardian/carers
  5. Family members – 1 or 2 adults and the children/students thereof
  6. Social membership – non paddling members who still want contact with the
4.4         Election of Members
  • Candidates for election to membership shall make a written application to the Secretary of the Club on the form provided.
  • The power of election shall rest with the Executive Committee which may be delegated to the secretary.
  • The Executive Committee shall be required to give reasons for the refusal for an application for membership in writing.
  • Any person refused membership may seek an appeal before an appeal panel comprising of 5 members.
4.5         Membership Fees
  • The membership fees (including different classes and joining fees) shall be determined by the members in the General Meeting. The membership fees shall be paid on a Rolling membership basis. Members shall be allowed up to the last day of the month upon which their membership expires to renew their membership.
  • Any member that has not paid his/her membership fee for a period in excess of 30 days from the due date shall be immediately suspended from the Club until such payment is received or that member is deemed to have resigned in accordance with this constitution.


5              Resignation

  • Any member may resign at any time with or preferably giving notice in writing to the
  • A member shall be deemed to have resigned from the club if, after a period of 30 days they have not paid the annual membership which has become due.


6              Expulsion and Disciplinary Action

  • All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted in writing to the Welfare Officer or Secretary. The matter will be brought before the Executive Committee at the next meeting. The Executive Committee shall investigate the matter and decide if the complaint is justified. If the complaint is upheld the Executive Committee will decide what action is to be taken. The decision of the Executive Committee will be relayed to the complainant in writing by the secretary of the club.
  • Any member violating any of the rules or regulations of the Club or being adjudged guilty of unsatisfactory conduct may, by resolution of the Executive Committee, be suspended or expelled.
  • The Executive Committee may temporarily suspend or exclude a member from particular activities where it is deemed in the best interests of the Club.
  • Any member who is temporarily excluded or suspended or has had their membership terminated shall have the right to appeal against such decision to an appeal panel which shall comprise no less than 5 members not previously involved in the decision to exclude or suspend the member.

7              Executive Committee

  • The Executive Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Club and shall meet at regular intervals during the year, as required by the business to be transacted.
  • Special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Secretary on instructions from the Chairperson, or not less than three committee members.
  • The Executive Committee shall consist of
  • President
  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • 2 Welfare Officers – one male/one female
  • 2 Coaching Coordinator – Slalom and Recreational
  • Safety Officer

Non-Committee Members

  • Slalom Organiser
  • Pool Organiser
  • Access Officer
  • Web Officer
  • Equipment Officer
  • Recreational Coordinator
  • Social Events Officer
  • other officers as deemed


  • Additionally, the Executive Committee may co‐opt no more than 3 members of the club to its number. In the case of casual vacancies amongst the Executive Committee, the said Committee shall appoint another eligible person to act until the next AGM. Nominations for the position of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, 2 Welfare Officers – one male/one female,2 Coaching Coordinators – Slalom and Recreational shall be proposed seconded and elected by ballot at the General Meeting of the Members. The term of office shall be for one year, and members shall be eligible for re‐
  • All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be taken by a simple majority (with the Chair having a casting vote) save that expulsion of a member shall require a two thirds majority of the Executive Committee.
  • A quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be three and where a quorum is not present the meeting shall be adjourned to a time and date not less than 7 days from the date of the meeting.
  • The Executive Committee may from time to time appoint from their number such sub‐committees as they shall see fit and delegate to them such powers and duties as they may determine.
  • The members of the Executive Committee shall be indemnified by the members of the Club against all liabilities properly incurred by them in performing their duties.
  • Any member who is under the age of 16 years shall not be eligible for election to the Executive Committee.
  • Any member who undertakes a commercial activity directly related to paddlesport (such as the sale or manufacture of canoes, and/or accessories, professional coaching etc) or who is disqualified as an amateur under the rules of the PaddleUK, will be eligible to take his or her place and vote on the Executive Committee of the club, but will withdraw from any discussion or vote that may be deemed to potentially result in personal commercial gain for that member.
  • Furthermore, at the first meeting of the new committee each member will sign a conflict of interest form which will be logged and filed for that year by the secretary.


8              FINANCES

  • The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the
  • The financial year of the club will end on 31st October. Any change to the financial year shall require the approval of the Members in the General Meeting.
  • Financial or legal liability incurred in the rightful exercise of their office shall not, however, be the personal liability of the Committee but shall be the responsibility of the Club as a whole.
  • The club may not make payment to members for participation in the sport which would contravene amateur status, nor can any profit be distributed to members, but any profits earned shall be contributed to a General Fund for furthering the objects of the Club.
  • Every Annual General Meeting shall appoint an Honorary Auditor who shall at least once every year examine the Accounts of the Club and ascertain the correctness of the income and expenditure accounts and of the balance sheet.


9              BORROWING

  • The Executive Committee may borrow money on behalf of the Club from time to time only with the prior approval of the Members in a General Meeting.
  • The Executive Committee shall have no power to commit the personal liability of any Member when seeking borrowing.


10            PROPERTY

  • All property of the Club shall be vested in no less than two members acting as custodians. Such custodians shall act in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee when dealing with the property of the Club.
  • The custodians shall be elected at General Meeting by the Members and shall hold such position until removed at General Meeting or death.
  • The custodians shall be indemnified and kept indemnified by the Members against all losses costs and liabilities they may suffer as a result of the position as a



  • The Annual General Meeting shall be held in November of each
  • There shall be laid before the meeting a statement of accounts made up to the 31st day of the month of October immediately preceding.
  • Not less than 14 day’s notice shall be given specifying to all Members the time and business of the General Meeting.
  • A resolution put to vote of the Meeting shall be decided by a show of hands of those entitled to vote, except when more than one nomination has been received for a position on the Executive Committee, in which case voting will be by secret ballot.
  • Motions for discussion at Annual General Meetings, not of origin from within the Executive Committee, shall be lodged with the Secretary at least 30 days preceding the AGM and signed by 2 members entitled to vote.
  • An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called on the instructions of a simple majority of the Executive Committee, or on requisition signed by not less than 30% of the members of the Club entitled to vote.


12            SAFETY RULES

12.1   The Executive Committee shall be empowered to draw up rules for the safe conduct of paddlesport activities and should be adhered to by all members.



  • The Club shall not dissolve except by a resolution of a Extraordinary General Meeting passed by a three quarters majority of the Members present and entitled to

vote. A date for dissolution must be set and dissolution will take place immediately on that date.

  • Following dissolution of the Club any surplus assets (after the discharge of all liabilities) shall be handed over to PaddleUK for use in related amateur Sport. Any matter not provided for in this constitution, or any question over the interpretation of it shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final.



The Constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.


15           DECLARATION

 MATLOCK CANOE CLUB hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.


The constitution was revised and accepted at the Annual General Meeting on 19th November 2023.

The constitution was updated on 6th April 2024 due to British Canoeing changing its name to PaddleUK.