British Canoeing issues statement on paddling under the new lockdown rules

After the easing of the Lockdown was announced on Sunday 10th May, British Canoeing published a statement which can be read here

 To summarise, you are able to go canoeing but only individuals or family couples or paddling with one other person not from your household is allowed. Ideally your trip should involve limited travel and avoid congested parking areas and remote areas.  The document clearly states that at this stage no club or instructed sessions are to take place,

 Please also be aware of your personal limitations and do not put yourself at any unnecessary risk that may require emergency assistance and put others at risk.

 Please also note that Matlock Bath is now extremely busy and parking there could be a challenge to social distancing.

The club is currently waiting for lockdown to be further relaxed to allow group meetups as well as regaining access to the Rockwood Colour Works before getting to work on rebuilding the slalom course which was destroyed by the winter floods

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